Emily Beaney
16mm film: 14:12
Working collaboratively with women in Scotland, 'Deviant' seeks to reveal the internal sensations, thoughts and emotions of endometriosis experience that remain hidden / unheard.
Trilogy of experimental shorts: 10:45
'Breaking the Fall' is a trilogy of experimental short films, created in collaboration with my mother, Cherrie Beaney. The films reveal embodied, personal and social experiences of illness, care and interdependence.
Workshop / Intervention: 01:39
Moving the Image / Moviendo la Imagen: Representing, Reclaiming, Reframing
Repurposed archival film: 24:00
Collaboration with artist Ana García Jácome radically re-working archival footage through collaborations with disabled women in Scotland and Mexico. The project explores how audio-visual practices can interrogate issues of representation across international contexts.​
Research Film: 07:06
What is a body? This research film explores mind / body dualities and phenomenological conceptions of embodiment from the perspective of a 'sick' body.
16mm film: 10:04
Through the lens of a mother-daughter collaboration, 'Risky Bodies' examines the label of ‘vulnerable’ as an individual and collective identity.
35mm slide projection / sound: 05:04
Documentation of a collaborative residency in São Paulo, exploring rhythm and the city.
Film Poem: 03:32
Collaboration between myself, my mother Cherrie, and Willow the dog. In this live 35mm slide and sound work we explore how our embodiment is shared across more-than-human relationships.
This film poem reflects upon the filmmaker's experiences of neurological deviations.